P1 50-mark scenario question to include ethics,governance and risk management,integrated reporting and directorsremuneration. Optional questions to include evaluation of risks and their mitigation,Tuckers five question model on ethics and t
上班族每天都过着朝九晚六的生活,算算每天上班通勤和吃饭的时间,总觉得留给ACCA的时间没有什么。到底如何能够在有限的时间,更高效得复习备考ACCA呢? 1发现自己花掉时间的规律
F6考试马上就要到了,不管你复习的怎么样,让Zen老师将上次的F6复习宝典重新更新给你,让你在考试前成功抱得ACCA女神佛脚,迈过税法这道坎。 首先第一部分是处理计算大题时的流程
考试形式 Section A:3个case的MCQ,每个case有5道小题,每道小题2分,一共3*5*2=30分 Section B:Q16为30分+Q17为20分+Q18为20分=70分 Professional mark:Independent Auditors report的格式 知识点、考点 1.Ele
F5考试在即,相信各位备战的同学们都在如火如荼地翻书刷题模拟考,忙得不亦乐乎,如果你已晕眩在题海中,下面就来梳理一下重点内容。 正所谓知己知彼,方能百战百胜,那么首先
ACCA F7 Exam Tips June 2017 session given below are just intelligent guesses from exam point of view provided by famous tuition providers.These exam tips must not be relied on totally.To increase chances of success in Exams you must prepare
ACCA F6 Exam Tips June 2017 Session given below are just intelligent guesses from exam point of view provided by famous tuition providers.These exam tips must not be relied on totally.To increase chances of success in Exams you must prepare
ACCA F5 Exam Tips June 2017 session given below are just intelligent guesses from exam point of view provided by famous tuition providers.These exam tips must not be relied on totally.To increase chances of success in Exams you must prepare
本人财会行业大白,因为不是小白。大学期间开始考取ACCA,中间因为毕业论文和工作忙碌停止过考试,至2016年9月全科通过。没有免科,14门,一门一门考。 简单介绍ACCA,全称The Asso