亲爱的ACCA备考小伙伴们: 1.2017年12月的考试时间为2017年12月4日至12月8日。参加F5-F9分季机考的同学请注意:机考时间为上午9:00-12:30,下午14:00-17:30,请仔细查看准考证上的信息,具体各
General Comments Candidates and tutors need to be aware of current developments in the field.Two such areas in P7 were candidates appear to be referring to out-of-date standards are those on revenue recognition and auditors reports. It is a
发布ACCA exam tips不是用来押题的,是汇总本次考试的重要关键信息。文中有部分知识点的整理,更重要的是考试答题技巧的汇总,以及考前准备。12月A考加油 In section A there will be a wide
知识点:Resident enterprise ( Enterprise Income Tax) 企业所得税居民纳税人 Residententerprise is an enterprise established in China, or an enterprise that isestablished under the laws of a foreign country(or other tax region) b
General Comments Too many sitters did not have sufficient,precise knowledge of the tax rules within the syllabus,said the examiner. Time management is also poor with weaker students.There are a significant number of candidates who produce c